Fotona’s SP Dynamis laser system is designed to perform all major aesthetic treatments. By combining two complementary laser wavelengths, the SP Dynamis functions as a highly versatile, multi-purpose aesthetic platform that can perform an exceptionally wide range of applications in aesthetics, surgery and gynecology. Fotona’s Nd:YAG wavelength is effective for reaching the deepest layers of the skin, while the Er:YAG wavelength is ideal for brushing away surface imperfections to reveal visually attractive, long-lasting results.
All information published in this website is of general nature and only has an informative purpose. Under no circumstances can it replace any treatment or therapy prescribed by a physician or other healthcare professional. Any information on medical procedures and treatments in this website are intended for informative purposes only and do not provide the knowledge required for their application.
All Fotona medical lasers are CE marked and cleared for sale in the EU. For countries where specific national approvals or clearances are required (for example by the FDA in the United States), some of the products and/or applications may not have been cleared yet. Similarly, local patents may limit usage for certain technologies and applications. Please check with Fotona, your local Fotona distributor or your national regulatory body to find out whether a specific product or application is available for sale and use in your country.